Monday, January 16, 2012

Ellie and Frank just got done moving to new city.

Ellie and Frank,who just earlier got married finally,while in Las Vegas,nv,Just moved to and arrived in the city of Llanview,penn,they both just moved into a house,which is next door,where Todd Manning and his very beauitful and friendly wife named Blair Crammer live at,Frank and Ellie finally got done geting unpacked and also finally got done finishing all their things from the moving van,that they rented and Frank Had to go on important business trip Port New York ,to meet with Luke Spencer who runs and owns a bar,there,Ellie's clothes that she wearing were very dirty from the things,that she helped Frank move from it,Frank drove off his brand new bmw car for the very long drive to city of Port Charles,ny,to do Business with Luke Spencer,Ellie hired a assistant named Anna Kendrick who is much younger woman than Ellie is,Anna Kendrick was just hired by Ellie ,who is a 45 year old very beauitful woman,who works as a ceo of a dog treat company here in Llanview,penn,Ellie has very beauitful long black hair and a very beauitful naked body and very beauitful small natural breasts and Anna Kendrick is much younger woman than Ellie and has very beauitful short brown hair,and very beauitful naked body and very beauitful large breasts,Ellie had ANNA Kenndrick who wearing a low cut blouse help Ellie take her fancy dress shoes and her dirty work clothes and bra and underwear,Anna Kendrick help Ellie become a naked woman picked a towel to wear to cover her naked body,to her bathroom ,to take a shower,Ellie walked into her bathroom and took off her towel to become a naked woman and put up her very beauitful long black hair,Ellie walked into her shower and closed the door,to start taken a shower,Anna Kendicks went into Ellie's and Franks business office and opened the hidden wall safe, behind a picture of them,Anna Kendrick started taken all their money and Ellie jewlery and pearls and put them in her duffel bag,that she brought,a mobster from Port Charles named Johnny Zacchara was waiting outside Frank and Ellie's house,waiting in his car,for his much younger girlfriend to come of the house,

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